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Code of ethics for prostate health massages


General concept of masseuse profession

I do not put my abilities above the knowledge of doctors. In serious cases, therapy is only supplementary care to professional treatment, and I always recommend cooperation with a doctor.
I do not advise clients, I only suggest options that will allow the client to take responsibility for improving their health.

I am primarily a masseuse for the client, I try to help and benefit him within the framework of my professional abilities and professional possibilities. I care about creating a pleasant and safe atmosphere.

Masseur- client relationship

I approach each client individually, I know the impact of my techniques and I never endanger the client's health. If I conclude that the client's health condition requires another specialist, I do not hesitate to recommend him to the client.

The masseuse is not the object of the massage. The massage does not include cuddling or exchanging intimate touches between the recipient and the masseuse. Massage is about the experience of the recipient, focusing only on his own experience and monitoring of his own internal processes.

Definition of the concept of prostate health massages

Massages are primarily of a health nature and have a predetermined structure that has been put together in such a way as to form a therapeutic unit. Massage is not performed for minors.

Voluntariness and respect for the rights of the participants

The client can interrupt or end the massage at any time without giving a reason. He is not forced to explain anything if he does not want to.
I reserve the right to refuse to accept a client who comes to the massage under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics and substances, behaves aggressively, or requires services contrary to my professional, moral or private principles.


I comply with all laws and hygiene requirements related to my profession. After the meeting, I properly disinfect all means and aids for further use.


As a masseuse, I have been meeting with prostate massage and anal mapping for 12 years in tantric and tao massages. With a professional focus on prostate health massage, I actively give massages 6 years. I submit personal certifications from professional activities at the client's request.